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·Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion  ·Chinese revolution resort: Zunyi of Guizhou  ·Hani: one of the oldest nation  ·Impression Liu San Jie: Large Landscape Virtual show of Yangshuo  ·Huanghe River  ·Yichun Kuerbin  ·Equatorial Monument Of Quito In Ecuador  ·Sydney Scenery  ·Shenyang  ·Jilin Fog Song  ·Keqi Baiyinchagan Prairie Of Chifeng City  ·Halamaodu tiny town, Jilin  ·Lhasa City Scenery, Tibet  ·Hukou Waterfall: Yellow River on a bright pearl  ·Berne Scenery in Switzerland  
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